Monday, February 14, 2011

Time Does Fly!

After reading a blog by a mom of young children, I'm inspired to begin again. If she can make the time to blog, surely I can with an (almost) empty nest. I had a noble start two years ago and then got caught in busyness. Time Does Fly!
Since last blogging our son has had his senior art show which went to China; he graduated; and our youngest daughter got married!
Up ahead we have both of them moving out of state and our oldest daughter's college graduation (with 3 kids and a job!)
I'm so proud of my kids because of WHO they are! They each walk in the ways of God and I could have no greater joy. I count them each as friends.
Time Does Fly...but I'm enjoying the flight! I hope you are too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Child

I had the joy of spending the past week, along with my beloved husband, at the home of our daughter, son-in-love*, and our three grandchildren.

I was immersed in the lives of my grandbabies, ages 6, 6, and 3. The week was full of giggles, kisses, peanut butter, and tickles. I soaked in each facial and verbal expression. I delighted in their newly developed skills. I was awed in their prayers. I was challenged by their unique vision.

The vision of children is unrestricted. **Children delight in the simplest things from ants carrying a load twice their size to
They don’t see the roadblocks that adults see and imagine. We can take a lesson from them.

Although this precious family lives 14 hours from us, the kids asked as we left “will you come over tomorrow?” They know that we live “far, far away” yet they are not restricted in expressing their wishes. They request our presence at ball games and the viewing of new haircuts. They pray as people of faith and hope and express their love to Jesus nightly.

As I relish my new memories I am prompted to examine my vision. Oh God, when is it that I limit the possibilities with logic and my lack of faith restricts your movement in my life?

Matthew 17:20 says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Is there an area where faith could change your expectations and requests of God?

*I read this term as a young bride and determined that the spouses of my children will not be connected to me through “the law” but because of the enduring quality of love.
**Many children have had their vision crushed through abuse, neglect, and circumstances. I thank God my grandchildren still have pure vision.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yesterday I had an ophthalmologist appointment. It was a routine exam, except I noticed a difference. The doctor seemed to be working hard at holding my eyelids up to examine my eyeballs. I was rather self-conscious, so I jokingly asked him if he could prescribe an eye lift since being in my 50s has resulted in evidence of gravity on my body. He chuckled and responded that the good thing about being in your 50s is that your friends can’t see well enough to notice sagging eyelids!

That humorous conversation got me thinking about how I see and what I see. Perspective makes all the difference! When I see a new born baby I am struck by the astounding creativity and knowledge of God. The science of how this baby came to be doesn’t enter my mind except to acknowledge that God has known all along how life would reproduce. When others are having struggles I can confidently assure them of God’s faithfulness. Yet I pondered if I really see the way God sees. I asked God where my “vision” needed to change to see people and circumstances the way He does. I tucked these thoughts to the back of my brain files.

My son picked me up and we were driving to the mall when a song entitled “Give Me Your Eyes” came on the radio. He sang the song with passion and afterward commented that “Give Me Your Eyes” is his favorite song. If you’re not familiar with it go here: to watch the video and to look at the lyrics go here:
I asked him what it was about the song that spoke to him. He explained to me that so many people are hurting and we just don’t take the time to “see”. He said that often the only ones we notice are overtly obvious, but only when we want to have time to look. Our lives are full of people who have things they are dealing with that we never take time to “see”. We keep busy with so many tasks that we don’t slow down enough, or care enough to really look at those whom God has placed in our path. A lot of wisdom from a 21 year old.

Being in ministry my inclination was to exclude myself from his insight. But God wasn’t going to let go so easily. He prodded me and asked me to evaluate if I really take time to see people through His eyes. More importantly I felt the question arise within me “do you want to take the time to see people and circumstances the way I (God) see them?”.

This is not a one time conversation I will have with my God. It will not resolve by reading one chapter of scripture or a book by a theologian. This will be a process and a refining as I seek to see the way He wants me to see. This blog is my first action step in that process. So, how do you see the people around you?